Monday, 19 November 2012

Photoshop Skills Development 1 - Jarvis Cocker Task

I created my Photoshop Activity Task in Photoshop by downloading the first image and then changed it to make the second image. To get the end result, firstly I changed the brightness and contrast of the image, changed the hue and saturation of the image. I then duplicated the layer and changed the name of the layer, so I would always have that image if I made a mistake during the rest of my task and so that I knew which was which. I then went around the image with the magic wand told that took out all the blue parts and made it look better. Next I selected and deleted the background so that I could change it to the colour I preferred. I then added the masthead, resized it and changed the colour of it to fit in with my magazine. I also rotated the masthead and put it behind Jarvis, by making my layer go behind his layer. I also added other text (the main sell line), to the magazine to make it look more like a magazine, changing the colour and size to suit. I also inserted a bar code to again make it look like a magazine. I then saved as a JPEG and PSD so I would be able to edit it in future.     

1 comment:

  1. Rachel

    You have successly completed the task, using layers to place the masthead behind the main image and following the set criteria to produce your final image.

